Celebrating a Festival of Peace

Posted by Voice of a Global Warrior

So, how has the past 12 months been for you? For most of us, it’s safe to say the change and complexity of our world has continued to accelerate. 2022 has been a year of turbulence and struggle for many people around the world.

The war in Ukraine. The ‘cost of living crisis’. The emotional and economic fallout from the Covid pandemic. The impact of climate change especially on communities of poorer nations.

We could go on…

And as we come to the end of this year, we’ve chosen to observe a Festival of Peace.

Why a festival of peace?

Often, the hardship we experience, whether directly or indirectly, brings with it distress, fear, and even hate. These are human responses from our vulnerable, human hearts.

Yet we’re aware too that where there’s fear, distress and hate, there is always love and hope. Each of us has our own definition of peace.

Here are just a few reflections from our team on what the word “peace” means to them…

“Finding peace is one of my perpetual inner games. I’m learning that getting to a peaceful place is not a destination, but more of an ongoing path. Slowly giving up the idea that peace will emerge like a mirage, a honky-tonk bar in the desert with flashing neon lights, saying “Meg, you’ve made it to PEACE”. Ha! My inner work this year has relied a lot on mindful self-compassion and extending myself the grace and compassion to allow and appreciate my imperfections and vulnerability.” – Meg

“My first go to place when thinking of this, on a light note, is my kids asleep in bed. But on a deeper level it is creating an atmosphere of peace for my children to grow up in, to the best of my ability anyway and what is within my control. And a link into mental health, for people to be able to live a life with peace in their minds and not torment.” – Sarah

“Peace for me right now means surfing transitions and changes, acknowledging wounds to enter into healing, and opening discourse generosity.” – Saralyn

With this awareness in our minds and our hearts this festive season, our Festival of peace is an opportunity to:

  • Make space for moments of peace, kindness and connection in these final few weeks of the year. How can we slow down and connect to ourselves, our communities and our values?
  • Give generously to the organisations and charities making their own mark on the world this year. As we did last year, rather than giving gifts to everyone in the Team, Global Warriors will make a charitable donation, one for every day of December, and each one representing a charity that has been chosen by our team.
  • Ask how we can bring more peace to ourselves. After all, the conflict, inequality and hurt we see so much of in the world are also present within us, as individuals. How can we forgive ourselves our mistakes, be present to our dreams, and allow ourselves to simply “be” in each precious moment? Taking better care of ourselves expands our capacity to care for others – and make a positive impact on the wider world.

We invite you to join us in this celebration, and make a small gesture of peace each day.  

Perhaps by sending a heartfelt acknowledgment to someone who’s made an impact in your world.

By an act of kindness, perhaps one that no one else will ever know about.

Or by donating to a great cause – you can find out all of the organisations nominated by our team on our social media channels.

Where the path of peace leads

Despite our awareness of these challenges, our work is fuelled by hope.

Together with the teams, leaders and individuals we work with, we’re excited to explore the new ways we can embrace this dynamic, ever-shifting world, without becoming cynical or overwhelmed.

It takes brave people to ask – wholeheartedly – how each of us can help shape the future we want to see.

And it also takes courage to carve out a space for quiet, calm and reflection.

We wish you a peaceful festive season – and a bright 2023.