
Living and leading in a dynamic world | Global Warriors

Written by Voice of a Global Warrior | February 15, 2024

In a world that’s changing faster than ever, leaders must learn to be truly dynamic.

Our teachers are living organisms and ecosystems, or indeed the rapidly-evolving world of artificial intelligence.

Systems that observe, perceive and respond to the constant flow of new information, discerning the appropriate movement to take in response. 

This month, we’re taking a deep dive into what it means to live and lead in a dynamic world. 

A constant state of flux 

For many of us, there is an inescapable sense that the pace of change is intensifying.  

In his 2024 prediction for Human Resources, Josh Bersin writes 

I see a year of shattering paradigms, changing every role in business. Not only will AI change every company and every job, but companies will embark on a relentless search for productivity.” 

In many organisations, and perhaps in your own role, continuing change has been the norm for some time. Certainly in the teams and organisations we work with. 

In 2021, we reflected that: 

Increasingly, we understand organisations not as static or linear, but more akin to ecosystems or synaptic webs. Connections and collaborations arise spontaneously and in response to our environment; movement is constant, generative and unique.” 

Connecting to people requires dynamic response 

One nuance we’re understanding more and more is that when we orient ourselves towards people, a dynamic approach becomes a necessity.  

As people, we automatically change and adapt when we interact with others. Humans have evolved to be resourceful, collaborative and intuitive when it comes to solving problems together. 

Often, it’s only external structures that block that spontaneous flow – a policy, a meeting, a protocol.  

How can we learn to trust our staff and their alignment with our business goals so that flex, change and adaptation happens naturally?  

Within our equine herd, we see that individuals can move through different places in relation to others – sometimes leading from the front, sometimes from behind. We’re inspired by the murmurations of flocks of starlings, witnessing sudden yet coordinated changes of direction that allow whole flocks to pivot in an instant, perfectly together.  

At every level, we need to develop individuals attuned to the needs and ultimate goals of the business. Leaders who are able to pause, roll, adapt and change direction without needing to wait for centralised or hierarchical decision-making processes.  

And as we embrace levels of diversity, including neurodiversity, we are required to be dynamic in our expectations of each other. There is no “one size fits all” response.  

Embracing chaos through stillness 

Chaos theory describes the non-linear, unexpected behaviour of interacting systems. For organisations today, the chaotic nature inherent in our unpredictable climate, our vast and fast-moving financial systems and marketplaces, and the rapid evolution of technology, create unpredictable contexts. 

Cultivating a dynamic approach to respond effectively to circumstance demands a dynamic approach within ourselves. 

We must know – what are our anchors? Is it a daily walk, a meditation practice, a conversation with our spouse, deep breathing as we make tea? 

How can these small, consistent habits help us navigate a situation where we might be required to adopt different roles, work across teams, quickly understand new and unexpected problems, without losing our sense of who we are? 

Transforming energy 

A dynamo turns mechanical energy into electrical energy – so, the act of pushing bicycle pedals can power a light. This image, of energy being transformed into new energy, offers us an opportunity to think about how we energise ourselves. 

Can we work in a way that the energy we expend generates new ideas? Last month we reflected on the power of rest – now we ask, what if the dynamic energy we use at work could be a source of even more innovation and creativity? 

In a dynamic world, the ability to harness and transform energy will set apart the companies of the future.  

Crises become opportunities, stress becomes inspiration, work becomes play.