Living Leadership: Encounters with change
What does this moment ask of leaders? How can we understand change and embrace emergent leadership? We explore current...
Thought for the week: This made all the difference to Steve Jobs
You probably couldn’t have planned everything that led to this moment. Chance, luck, failure, unexpected meetings –...
Thought for the week: When judgment becomes harmful
Finding the gifts that others bring can bring more light and creativity into both of your lives - and to the world as a...
Thought for the week: Redefining influence
As leaders, we often believe we must learn how to influence better to effect change or get things done. Yet nature’s...
Thought for the week: The hardest challenge of all?
Courage takes many forms. It might be asking for what you need; or telling a mentor or close colleague you don’t agree...
Thought for the week: How to know if you’re playing small
Knowing if you're “Playing small” requires a level of self-awareness and honesty not everyone has.
Thought for the week: A trick to finding joy
So many of us get this the wrong way round! A simple trick to finding the joy in your work.
Thought for the week: Redefining possibility
What might be possible when you explore your most challenging issue with a beginner’s mind?
Thought for the week: The ultimate luxury
When you aim to reach a big goal or solve a tough challenge, you’re using your leadership to make a real contribution....
Thought for the week: The shape you’re in
Sometimes it’s hard for us to recognise what’s good about where we are right now. What are you celebrating about...
Choose to challenge, and…
Our task as leaders is not only to challenge discrimination when we see it. When it comes to long term change, the...
Thought for the week: Touching the future
Your leadership thought for the week: On touching the future.