3 ways to bring compassionate love to your leadership
Compassionate love may be the best gift you can give others – and yourself. Often easier said than done. So here are 3...
How horses teach leaders in a virtual world
How a horse changed one man's understanding of life, leadership, and what it is to be human.
Your Presence is a Present: how to be ‘here and now’ and why it makes a difference
How many important moments to connect with people that we care about do we miss because of our wandering minds, because...
Navigating a Blank Map: how to be a warrior leader in a shifting world
What does warriorship look like amongst the super-connected systems of 2020, when the world around us seems more...
In uncertain times we don’t need heroes. What we need are warriors.
Our take on heroism and why it can be a problematic notion in 21st century. How does warriorship compare?
Hope is great. But courage will be needed to really show that Black Lives Matter
As leaders we have a particular responsibility to not settle for the reassurance of hope, and the private satisfaction...
Lessons from a Pandemic: What great leaders can teach us about leadership in a post-COVID world.
Over the years we’ve had the privilege of working with some wise, conscious, courageous leaders. We asked some of them...
Is it still OK to laugh during COVID?
Coronavirus Joke: 2020 is a unique leap year. It has 29 days in February, 300 days in March and 10 years in April. Why...
Wot-if? A Story of Inspiration, Co-creation and Warriorship in Action
Working & living with purpose isn't limited to high-profile, high-tech organisations. Wot-if? have a clear purpose at...