
Shedding the Armour of Cynicism

Do you want to hear a joke? “How can you tell if someone is a vegan?” “Don’t worry, they’ll fucking tell you” I...

Why Warriorship? Lessons from the next generation.

Life in 2018 can be stressful. We can all agree on that, right? Watching the news is stressful. Going on the Internet...

Trust in 21st Century – Part 2: Outer

Trust-full Relationships Read the second article in our 3-part series, where we look at trust in 21st Century: trust...

Trust in 21st Century – Part 1: Inner

Live with trust Over the next few weeks, Global Warrior’s will be releasing a series of articles exploring trust in the...

Conscious Recommended Reading

Our ‘conscious’ work has been informed and influenced by so many of our own work and professional experiences, training...

Guest Blog: In Defence of Sadness by Jon Hill

Some beautiful thoughts on embracing feeling of sadness, melancholy and grief from Global Warrior Jon Hill @jonhillcoach

The Tale of the Rogue Monkey Experiment

A lovely video that reminds of the teachings of Rogue Monkey… it just takes one to make the leap and show the step is...

Guest Blog – Success Beyond Success What We Can Learn About Ourselves and the Future of Political Leadership From This Election

Guest Blog by Jon Hill @blueprintcoach On the day of the UK general election, politicians, media outlets, party...