

Check Your Bias: The power of privilege

If acknowledging our own privilege is an act of warriorship, even more courageous is to acknowledge that with privilege...

The Power of Purpose: Start with ‘Why?’

Being purpose-led is no longer desirable, it is crucial in a more connected, transparent and complex world. But simply...

Life on the Edge: How fear can help you scale new heights

How do you engage with the stories that your mind throws at you as you stand at the 'Edge' - the dividing point between...

The Inspiration Advantage: How Connecting with Your Dreams Can Change Your Life and Transform Your Leadership

How Connecting with Your Dreams Can Change Your Life and Transform Your Leadership

Why Women are Leading the Way as Courageous Leaders in the #MeToo Era

Courage in leadership. What it takes to stand up against established bases of power in service of creating the changes...

Why Warriorship? Lessons from the next generation.

Life in 2018 can be stressful. We can all agree on that, right? Watching the news is stressful. Going on the Internet...

Conscious Recommended Reading

Our ‘conscious’ work has been informed and influenced by so many of our own work and professional experiences, training...

Guest Blog – Success Beyond Success What We Can Learn About Ourselves and the Future of Political Leadership From This Election

Guest Blog by Jon Hill @blueprintcoach On the day of the UK general election, politicians, media outlets, party...