
Thought for the week

Thought for the week: It’s not about you

Do you feel clear-headed; are you guided by your vision, your purpose, your instinct? Or are you caught up in the...

Thought for the week: It happens to all of us

Ever started the week hoping you would be lifted up, energised, supported or celebrated by someone? Or ended it feeling...

Thought for the week: 4 billion miles and one dot

Taking ourselves to a different level to view the system, taking a greater perspective, or just looking at things from...

Thought for the week: Can your discomfort propel you?

How could your discomfort be a doorway to bigger growth and opportunity? What opportunities are there to get curious...

Thought for the week: Flaming enthusiasm

For each situation you bring your personal awareness and consciousness to, you have the potential to feed success:...

Thought for the week: What ducks can teach us about leadership

Inspirational leaders truly walk their talk. As Gandhi advocated, they are "being the change" they want to see in the...

Thought for the week: The easiest leadership technique there is

This is probably the easiest and fastest way to connect back to yourself that we know. In fact, you’re doing it right...

Thought for the week: It’s OK if you disagree with this

If we all agreed and all thought the same way all the time, we wouldn’t be as innovative, resourceful and impactful.

Thought for the week: True wisdom

What would it be like to know that even in the worst scenario or the part of ourselves we dislike the most, there is...

Thought for the week: Do not enter!

Whilst every opportunity may seem valuable, it is not necessarily every opportunity that enables you to honour your...

Thought for the week: It’s not about power

A warrior isn’t a remote participant. They are active participants in the movement they are shaping; their bold actions...

Thought for the week: This made all the difference to Steve Jobs

You probably couldn’t have planned everything that led to this moment. Chance, luck, failure, unexpected meetings –...