Equine guided development 


Equine Guided Development (EGD) is a series of experiments allowing us to access our authenticity and power. It can make a real difference to how people learn and be powerful in shaping the brave leaders and teams we need in today's world.

Unencumbered by common human psychological frailties, horses respond to their ‘clients’ without judgment and provide instant, honest feedback on their behaviour and impact.

Real play, not role play.

A woman stood next to a horses head, she is focused on the horse and looks in deep thought. The background is a barn in low evening sunshine

Why horses?

By interacting with our intuitive horse herd, participants gain unique insights that directly enhance leadership skills. Horses naturally help you recognise and refine your non-verbal communication and leadership presence. This real-time learning accelerates personal and professional growth by deepening your understanding of how others perceive and react to your actions. Such experiences not only boost your adaptability but also improve your ability to effectively respond to changing situations, ensuring you thrive in any role.

A man alongside a horse which is he looking at. The man wears a beanie hat and jacket. They are in a barn with low evening sunshine lighting the horse and man

Key outcomes / benefits

Accelerated learning​

Our Equine Guided Development programmes provides accelerated learning with the ability for participants to test, experiment and play with leadership model theory.

Improved efficiency

Horses act as mirrors, reflecting the true nature of how we present ourselves. This helps us address not just our perceptions but the actual issues that need our attention, enabling more effective personal growth and self-awareness.

Deeply impactful profound experience

Working with horses can evoke a deep emotional response. Many clients find that participating in our equine programmes has an impactful experience beyond their expectations – sometimes even life changing.

Contact us today to
learn more 


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"Having been part of many leadership programmes and courses it has given me a new perspective on leadership through the feedback from our equine partners. Focusing on being grounded and centred throughout the programme facilitated more mindful and reflective actions. I particularly liked how calming the experience was, which made the lessons and learning extremely powerful."

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"Your leadership programme is truly transformational and during our reflection the days after, everyone expressed how they were so touched and filled with gratitude. This will give us great tools to use for our coming follow up sessions on leadership and teamwork.

From a personal perspective I cannot thank you enough, I did not now what to expect but it was awe-inspiring and will help me grow as a leader."

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"This is an excellent course and by creating an atmosphere outside of the normal learning environment, with some practical exercises that deliver immediate feedback it is a powerful day."

"It has made me think a lot about the priorities in my life and how I need to show up differently every day - at home as well as in the workplace. I find that every training with Global Warriors unpeels another layer of the onion and helps me continue to deepen my self-knowledge and leadership."

"Experiential learning with the horses for shared observation and immediate feedback as well as plenty of opportunity to be
vulnerable in a safe environment of trust and love

"Thank you - the most impactful learning and development experience I have ever had. It came at a time in my career and my life when I needed it most."

"The Equine Leadership day was spot-on. The tone was set at the start of the day for openness, vulnerability and reflection. The facilitators were honest and open and respectful of the group's needs; meeting them where they were at. They offered a great balance of support and challenge. Time split between interaction with the horses and time discussing some theory was perfect. The horses provided a genuine opportunity for experiential learning and put everyone gently out of their comfort zone. The lessons for application as a leader were incredibly valuable. There were tears of gratitude at the end of the day from the connection and insights the group had gathered."

Testimonial video


Jonathan Ratcliff, Director, JMR Sales and Consultancy discusses his equine day experience. 

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Related case studies


The Global Warriors team in branded tshirts. Eight Global Warriors are facing the camera, arms around each other and smiling. Three are wearing cowboy hats


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A moving horse is at the forefront of the image with a woman looking at the horse further away in the background

Raison d'Etre

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