Jon Hill

Jon is a senior coach and facilitator for Global Warriors and has been working with us since 2013. He is also a published author and is responsible for much of Global Warriors’ written output, from training manuals to blog posts.  

Jon Hill

After qualifying as a Forensic Psychologist, Jon spent many years working in the UK prison system, helping people with rehabilitation and recovery from drug and alcohol addiction. After moving into a learning and development role he re-trained as a Co-Active and Relationship Systems Coach, becoming accredited by the ICF in 2012. 

Jon has held a variety of leadership and management roles in the public and charity sector, from leading a prison-based drug intervention team to managing a cluster of recovery and outreach services across Central and North London. In 2012 he founded Blueprint Coaching and Training Ltd and began working as a coach and group facilitator in the corporate sector. 

Since then he has worked with clients including Johnson & Johnson, GlaxoSmithKline, and Mars, helping leaders to improve their energy management, build their resilience, and have more impact. He has also co-authored two successful books on the topic of Acceptance and Commitment Therapy, running workshops and webinars in support of these.  

Jon’s work has taken him all over the world in the last twelve years – across Europe, AfricaMiddle East, Asia, and the US. Regardless of country, culture, or context, he creates an atmosphere of warmth, humour and safety where people can learn about themselves and commit to taking life-changing action in service of their values.  

Jon has two young children (Frances and Henry), who are proving to be the best self-development mentors he has ever had! He has been a trivia buff and pub-quizzer since he was young, and finally fulfilled this side of his personality by winning the TV quiz show ‘Pointless’ in 2017! 

Words of Warrior Wisdom:

“Too much creative thinking is stifled by having ‘what’s realistic?’ as a starting point. Why not start with ‘what would be amazing?’ and trust that reality will catch up with you?”