Meg Lyons

Meg is part of the Global Warriors team of coaches and facilitators. Meg believes in the innate capacity of people to find solutions to their most important challenges and to stretch themselves to achieve incredible things, when given the right environment to explore possibilities.

Meg Lyons

She most enjoys working with people who want to feel more balance and less stress as they pursue their professional goals while not forgetting the importance of life outside work. She also shines a light on relationships and helps her clients improve these in the teams and systems that they are a part of.     

Before her training and certification with the Co-Active Training Institute (CTI), Meg led a remote and global team of Learning Consultants in Financial Services technology. She trained and facilitated groups of managers on how to successfully lead remote teams. Since her coach training in 2012, she has worked with professionals at all levels in their organizations and with varied goals including career and purpose, work-life balance, and leadership. She has experience with systems thinking in her work in UK local government, and on relationship systems work that builds on her training in Organisational and Relationships Systems Coaching (ORSC).  

Meg’s greatest strength is in providing safe, reflective spaces for people to step back from their busy lives in order to get more clarity and groundedness. Her clients describe her as “warm, perceptive, and thoughtful”. 

Outside of work, she loves being active and outside - either playing in her local women’s cricket team or taking walks with her family. She is passionate about balance, creativity, and the benefits of play, self-care, and self-compassion and tries to walk that talk!  

Areas of focus include:  Leadership development for middle to senior managers | Executive Coaching | Career coaching | Coaching for work-life balance |Facilitation and training of teams for reflective practices 

Words of Warrior Wisdom:

When I think of leadership, Maya Angelou sums up best my feelings:  “I've learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel.”  I hope to be part of creating a world where everyone is valued for being exactly who they are - the potential for growth from that place of acceptance and groundedness is so exciting.